
Get Involved with Body/Mind Dynamics®

Through her company, Body/Mind Dynamics Inc., Françoise E. Netter teaches her philosophy of movement and body/mind approach as a path towards mental health, physical well being, emotional growth, and spiritual integration. You can contact her at [email protected] or 303.960.6000.

Book a livestream class

We continue to offer weekly classes in Yoga and Movement For The Mind and Meditation. All classes including private one-on-on sessions are being held in person and on interactive Zoom. Currently, The Jewel of Hatha Yoga is Tuesdays/Thursdays at 5:00 PM (MST). These classes are just $18.00. Movement For The Mind classes are TBA. Meditation classes are starting up again in 2025, as well as sessions in Activating Joy, Releasing Trauma. Please contact us for times and dates. Register or learn more about all our offerings and updated schedules.

We are partnering with Class Pass to offer Yoga classes, Movement For The Mind classes and One-on-One sessions.

In addition, for those needing financial assistance, we are partnering with eFundYourHealth to help cover the costs of your classes and sessions with Body/Mind Dynamics® Inc. Please click the icon below for more information. If asked for a referral code use bodyminddynamics.


Francoise’s Latest Guest Podcast Appearances

Talking True With Julie Hoyle

When Trauma Transform with Francoise E. Netter

Trauma can be debilitating. It can mold your life into a contracted shape if you do not search for help, face your pain and integrate it. In today’s episode of Talking True, I am exploring the topic, ‘When Trauma Transforms,’ with my guest Françoise E. Netter. Françoise underwent trauma as a child, then later in life, she had a powerful awakening and from that point on she was able to transform the trauma. The outcome led her to being an author, an educator, a conference presenter, a performer and a Yoga and Movement For The Mind® certification trainer throughout the United States, Mexico, and Europe.

Sacred Magic, hosted by Vialet Rayne of Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

Movement Innovator & Trauma Specialist

A discussion about how some individuals that have experienced trauma are able to soar and others get stuck. Vialet and Francoise shared their insights about the importance of healing and movement.

Positive Vibes with Aeriol

Self-Healing with Body Mind Dynamics and Francoise Netter

Host Aeriol Ascher has a wonderful conversation with the gifted Francoise Netter about the nature of the soul and healing.

Now or Never: The Choice is Yours, Hosted by Karen Wright

Motivated by Creativity, Inspiration, and Transformation

In this time of unprecedented change and uncertainty, how do we navigate in a way that is life-affirming both personally and collectively? Today’s guest is Francoise Netter and she has some answers for us to consider. In her years of experience in the fields of Yoga, Dance Therapy, Creativity, Resiliency and Stress, Francoise has been able to offer individuals of all walks of life an opportunity to integrate their creativity physically, mentally and spiritually and apply it practically both professionally and personally. Her passion is to motivate others and use education as a resource for creativity, inspiration and transformation. Could she motivate you during this unprecedented time?

Listen to Francoise’s new guest podcast appearance on “From The Ashes” titled “No Grit, No Pearl.” In this time of Climate Change, horrific fires and the subsequent air quality, the Delta Variant and ongoing pandemic, and the seemingly divided state of our country and politics for many of us, it is demanded that we discover new ways to face adversity and the ability to stand with greater strength and vitality as we creatively renew our lives. Join us in finding relevant solutions to our own personal and global adversities. Listen to podcast (use passcode: D?2EC%K2).

Sovereign Self: Weaving Spiritual Awakening with the Fabric of Everyday life

Creative Wisdom, Healing and Resiliency

Join Zofia and Francoise in a powerful podcast about spirituality, creativity, inspiration and moving from trauma to resiliency. Learn ways to think about your life differently and to incorporate guidance, inspiration, healing and renewal into your current situation. Practical tools and resources that reduce stress and create healing will also be integrated into our discussion.

Francoise was also featured on the “Numerology: The Magical and Mystical Effect of Numbers” podcast. Listen to podcast.

Inner Voice magazine published an article by Francoise – view the PDF. Also view Spirit & Science magazine’s online multimedia article or PDF. Additionally, BellaSpark magazine featured an excerpt from Francoise’s book. You can also see the photos from her book release party. Or read the newspaper story PDF about her and her work.

Be sure to check our new Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before using our site. Also check our new teacher re-certification and salary enhancement classes for educators, through Colorado State University-Pueblo and UMass Global.

“To explore who we are and to share the depth of that authenticity with the world is indeed our greatest birthright. That exploration will lead us to embrace both the right and the left brain and to incorporate mind, body, emotion and spirit into our work, relationships and life.” – Françoise E. Netter

Order Conveniently Online

Order Our CDs and Books for Actualizing Balance, Integration & Conscious Creativity.

Movement For The Mind®: Dance That Awakens Healing, Inspiration And Wisdom

This book describes a unique way to integrate creativity that begins in the body and translates to your life. It explores the dynamic aspects of healing, wholeness and inspirational wisdom and offers a unique antidote to many of the common problems facing us today.

It is akin to Yoga and to what the ancient Yogis instruct us about life: That the treasures that we all are looking for are always there, right in front of us or more precisely, always right within us.

Listen to Francoise talk about Movement For The Mind in an April 2015 Prinzing radio show interview, starting around the 12:30 mark. Watch part of a YouTube video on Moving the Body, Connecting the Soul presented at INATS (International New Age Trade Show). Visit the Books page to order or get more information.

Also listen to Suzanne Toro’s radio show interview about the book and Movement For The Mind and how it will improve your life. Or listen to Bob Charles’ radio interview with Francoise about the value of Movement For The Mind. You can also listen to Dave Barnett’s radio interview about the book.

In addition, you can listen to Françoise’s radio interview about “The Science And Mystery of Numbers: Spiritual Guidance For Real Life Solutions.”

The CD, The Magic of Movement – Movement For the Mind® is to be used in conjunction with the book. It is a great, healthy gift for yourself or a loved one.
Order Products Today

Redress Your Stress: Tools for Managing Stress at Work and in Life

Powerful and practical tools to prevent and manage the effects of stress. Learn how to relax and create wellness, plus transform negativity into positive productivity and joy.

The Magic of Movement – Movement For the Mind®

This self-help CD will facilitate exploration of the body in a creative and powerful way through guided imagery.

Individuals will learn how to ground themselves, create appropriate boundaries, how to express feelings safely and uniquely and how to connect to their body in a non-judgmental process.

Visit the Products page to order or get information about our CDs.


See What Customers Say

“I am so grateful for these classes for many reasons. It is like therapy. The classes give you the framework to focus on the most important inner thoughts that drive us to discover who we really are. I love the self-investigation that occurs through the creative structure of Françoise’s classes. The great thing about her lessons is that they keep on giving. They are like a seed that is planted that keeps growing. The classes are a gift of time to discover these truths of motivation and inspiration. The classes are such a great opportunity to validate ourselves and our students.” — J.Tarnowski-Marks

“Thank you so much for your amazing energy!  (And what do I mean by amazing??  Contagious, conducive to learning, openness to creativity and balance, truly born to teach, motivate, and inspire)… that, and more.”
— Lauren Kaven

See What Leading Publications Say

“We like to offer many relaxation tools to our employees. Netter’s workshops help corporate employees balance family and work … a happier employee means a more productive one. Relaxed employees come to work with a fresher mind.” — Melinda Sacks, San Jose Mercury News

“Françoise took us through an hour long yoga class gracefully tailored for beginners.” — Carey Goldberg, New York Times

“Netter is something of a dance/movement goddess for a stressed out Silicon Valley … Comments we often get after Françoise has presented her work is that participants just feel different — feel more alive and like they’re operating on more than one cylinder.” — Bill Workman, San Francisco Chronicle

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Now offering 2025 Meditation, Yoga, Movement for the Mind® and sessions in Activating Joy, Releasing Trauma™. Register or learn more.