Classes for Educators:
UMass Global
Françoise is currently leading teacher re-certification and salary enhancement classes that are accredited though UMass Global.
Please contact us at 303.960.6000 or email [email protected] for specific details on how to enroll and enjoy any of these courses.
Classes for Educators Through UMass Global
Salary Enhancement and Teacher Re-Certification Classes
We offer ten, three graduate level credit classes with UMass Global. All courses offer new opportunities to delve deeply and expand the knowledge and application of these subjects as well as the opportunity to work independently and at your own pace of learning. (All courses are being offered on Zoom interactively and in person.) Each course includes contact hours (no quizzes or impersonal data programs) as well as non-contact hours to ensure ease, value and professional and personal empowerment for Educators and their students.
We are changing one classroom at a time. Read what others have to say about their experience.
“So I am simply amazed at the timing of your classes and how they have helped me personally. As I shared how the last class helped me to handle the death of my grandma, this class, Honing Resilience, has helped me to deal with a very difficult situation that I never thought I would have to face. Your blogs on resilience were just wonderful to read and they are going to be extremely helpful in helping me personally overcome this recent situation. Thank you again for inspiring so many!” — J. Urias
“One of the reasons that I attend your classes is because you pose questions and offer information that often forces us into our own wisdom. This class was no exception. You challenged us to look at bullying differently, first at the global level, then at a societal level and lastly on an individual level.” — E. Martin
“I wasn’t quite sure what this class would entail or even the title of it before the first night. I have been pleasantly surprised by the discussions we had and enlightened by the blogs and the book, Ageless Body Timeless Mind by Deepak Chopra. I am thankful that there are instructors like Francoise who are helping educators to realize that education goes beyond our subject matter and extends to other personal aspects that can help us and our students throughout our lifetime to find more joy and stress relief or get back to what our passion really is in life. This class has reminded me to be aware of what I think, the emotions it produces and how I react to them. As a result of this instruction I will begin to use these strategies in my personal and professional life as well as in my classroom.” — T.Jones
Class Schedule Through UMass Global
Beyond Stress – Advanced Strategies for Managing Stress for Educators and Their Students (NEW)
This course will cover a variety of information about stress derived from the latest in scientific and medical research. We will explore the definition, causes, preventions and most advanced and effective management techniques to transform stressors and cortisol levels that Educators and their students face in today’s modern world. In a simple and powerfully effective format that includes written handouts, discussion and experiential exercises, educators will discover and implement effective strategies that they can integrate into their lives and translate to their classrooms for effective and transformational classroom management.
Students will be introduced to advanced breathing and relaxation strategies as well as other transformative techniques that help to reduce stress, minimize burnout and create positive choices for increased effectiveness on the job and greater wellness and balance during the school year as well as in daily life. These strategies will also be specifically targeted so that they can be applied successfully in the classroom to decrease anxiety in students, improve test scores and decrease acting-out behavior.
Ancient Wisdom For Modern Times – Practical Knowledge for 21st Century Education (NEW)
This course will look at ancient teachings from both Eastern and Western traditions that have educational values at its core. We will look at the true definition of knowledge and learning and how to implement these teachings into the 21st century classroom. This course will cover strategies for studying and learning at profound levels, keeping students engaged and motivated to learn not just for the grade or test score, but also for the essentials that were once at the basis of all education and learning. The format of this course will include the study of ancient philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, literature giants and other historical figures and philosophies of knowledge from Eastern and Western traditions. We will explore the strategies that hold the keys to learning, curiosity and contribution and maintain a place of respect in history. We will focus on techniques and materials that can be applied in any academic subject that fosters a positive, creative and practical outcome for academic excellence, success and contribution.
The Wellness Factor in Education (NEW)
We know that a healthy body and an alert mind are essential for creating the best learners and a successful academic environment. This course will cover a variety of informational, experiential and practical data about the significance of promoting Wellness for education and the classroom. We will examine scientific and medical research that support the significance of this subject and we will explore specific techniques that can be used in the academic environment that focus on practically ensuring a healthy body, a strong, focused mind and an attitude of well-being. In addition, Educators will be asked to share their own experiences in the classroom that support this evidence and to share techniques that can specifically be utilized for individual and group success. Wellness based education is the trend for our future and one we must begin incorporating now for the sake of our students and our world. In a simple and powerfully effective format that includes lecture, small group discussion, written materials and experiential exercises, educators will discover and implement the effective and specific strategies that they can integrate into their classrooms for optimal learning and wellness.
View the syllabus for: The Wellness Factor in Education
Movement For The Mind® for Educators: Integrating Right and Left Brain Learning (NEW)
This course will explore the principles of movement from a unique perspective. Educators will learn how “dance” and movement can be utilized not only as a physical activity, but also as a tool for right and left -brain integration, creativity, problem solving and learning. Through a format that includes lecture, research data and documentation, discussions, and experiential exercises, educators will learn how this creative kinesthetic approach can be utilized in early childhood education, with special needs students, and gifted learners. We will also examine the importance of addressing both sides of the brain in learning and how movement can be used as an integrative tool in any academic subject and level of education. Educators will experience this unique movement program personally and learn how to adapt the technique professionally in their own academic environment.
Grit, Resiliency and Perseverance as Essential Skills For Life & Learning
The subject of Resilience, I believe is one of the most relevant qualities that we can develop, nurture and sustain especially in today’s environment– politically, economically, socially, individually and academically. It is a quality that we too often ignore in the academic environment and in this fast paced, technologically dominated world. We are often lured into believing that everything should be instant and easy. Yet, life often brings us situations that cannot be fixed in an instant and students discover that succeeding academically takes dedication, discipline and work. This course will address the various ways that you can think about fostering resilience and how to apply it to your life and to your students by using life-changing films, research, discussions and experiential exercises. We will research positive role models of individuals who have overcome sometimes enormous adversity and become successful against all odds. Educators will discover and implement effective strategies that they can integrate into their lives and translate to their classrooms for effective and transformational classroom application.
View the syllabus for: Grit, Resiliency and Perseverance as Essential Skills For Life & Learning
A Mindful Approach to Teaching For Body & Brain
We know that a healthy body and an alert mind are essential for creating the best learners and a successful academic environment. Michelle Obama spent much of her time as first lady championing both. This course will cover a variety of information about the importance of feeding the body and the brain and exploring strategies that can be integrated into the curriculum that foster both. We will examine scientific and medical research that support the significance of this subject and we will explore specific techniques that can be used in the academic environment that focus on practically ensuring both a healthy body and a strong, focused mind that includes a mindful attitude for teachers and students. Mindful and Wellness based education is the trend for our future and one we must begin incorporating now for the sake of our students and our world.
View the syllabus for: A Mindful Approach to Teaching For Body & Brain
Facing Fear – Resolving Bullying and Cyber Bullying
Bullying in school has become an increasingly serious problem threatening not only the safety of our academic environment, but causing some gifted and extraordinary learners to drop out of school and in extreme cases, end their own lives. Even though I remember being bullied in person in Middle school and somehow making it through the feelings of isolation and shame, today, bullying is even more rampant and sometimes insidious because of social media and technology. This course will cover approaches that transform the disruption, dysfunction and dis-engagement that bullying and cyber bullying cause for perpetrators and victims as well as everyone else. The format of this course will include research on the causes and background of bullying and how to prevent it as well as watching a powerful, transformational and uplifting documentary film on bullying. We will focus on techniques and materials that can be applied in any academic subject that fosters a positive, transformational outcome.
View the syllabus for: Facing Fear – Resolving Bullying and Cyber Bullying
The ABCs of Motivation, Inspiration and Application in K–12 Education
This course will explore the keys to academic motivation and inspiration. Utilizing a combination of acronyms and language, we will first define the need for these qualities and then implement them utilizing a variety of intellectual and experiential techniques. Educators will be asked to personally uncover their own tools to creating motivation and inspiration and then apply these principles to their classroom. In a simple and powerfully effective format that includes lecture, inter-active discussion, small group work and experiential exercises including theater games, educators will discover and implement effective strategies that they can integrate into their lives and translate to their classrooms for effective and enjoyable classroom achievement.
View the syllabus for: The ABCs of Motivation, Inspiration and Application in K–12 Education
Elevated Learning Through The Arts & Movement–From Special Ed to Literacy
This course will explore the principles of learning through the arts and movement from a unique perspective. Educators will learn how movement and the arts can be utilized not only as a physical or creative activity, but also as a tool for incorporating kinesthetic principles, right and left brain integration, creativity, problem solving and learning with any subject or curriculum.
Through a format that includes lecture, research data and documentation, discussions, and experiential exercises, educators will learn how this creative and kinesthetic approach can be utilized in early childhood education, with special needs students, gifted learners and literacy. We will also examine the importance of addressing both sides of the brain in learning and how movement and the arts can be used as an integrative tool in any academic subject and level of education.
View the syllabus for: Elevated Learning Through The Arts & Movement–From Special Ed to Literacy
Principles of Yoga for The 21st Century Academic Environment
This course will cover a variety of informational and data about the principles of Yoga and its practical application in the academic environment for both teachers and students. The course will incorporate both modern and ancient traditions and we will explore how these strategies can be applied to not only improve overall health and well-being, but also how to increase performance benchmarks that are so important to today’s twenty-first century educational environment. These improvements include: increased concentration and focus, reduction of stress and disruptive behavior, better socialization and leadership skills and increased energy. We will also explore the definition, philosophy, and experiential applications in these traditions and its relevance today and its application to you as an educator to integrate into your lives and translate to your classrooms.
View the syllabus for: Principles of Yoga for The 21st Century Academic Environment
About Francoise E. Netter, M.A.
Francoise E. Netter, MA, is an author, educator, conference presenter, performer and Certification Teacher Trainer for Movement For The Mind® and Yoga throughout the United States, Mexico, and Europe.
In addition to substitute teaching and teaching full time in K-12 schools in Colorado from 2001–2008, Francoise has taught at Stanford University, Santa Clara University, JFK University, Adams State University, University of Phoenix and Front Range College. She has given master classes at University of Colorado, Boulder and Naropa University and has trained teachers, therapists and medical professionals in her fields of expertise.
Francoise has been featured on television and radio, on several CDs and in magazine and newspaper articles.
She currently conducts workshops and graduate credit courses for Educators and Administrators through UMass Global and CSU Pueblo. Her passion is to inspire and motivate others and to use education as a resource for creativity, inspiration, transformation, and resiliency.
Costs and Registration
The cost is $545.00 for any of the above non-refundable three graduate level credit courses. Classes can be canceled up to 48 hours in advance. A $50.00 cancellation fee will be assessed if canceled within 48 hours, and $100.00 will be assessed if canceled within 24 hours. Payment is made to Body/Mind Dynamics, Inc. Contact us for more information. Please RSVP for all classes by emailing [email protected] or calling 303.960.6000.
Register for UMass Global courses by calling 303.960.6000.
“Francoise, your class has made a huge impact on me in my daily life and on how I have chosen to approach this new world of uncertainty I find myself in… I truly feel grateful and blessed. Thank you so much for opening my door to true survivors like yourself, Alice Herz, and Viktor Frankl.” — J. Holsomback
“Thank you for presenting this class. I learned more in the past two weeks about honing resilience than I ever dreamed I would.” — J. Faye
“Thank you for another empowering and meaningful class. The concepts we addressed in this class and the other three I have attended apply across the curriculum and across grade levels and ages. I can apply the concepts to my own life as well and my classroom. The discussions are interesting and engaging and I walk away with another ray of hope in today’s rewarding, yet challenging and often overwhelming classroom.” — L. Stone