
About Françoise Netter

Françoise E. Netter, M.A., is an author, educator, conference presenter, performer and Yoga and Movement For The Mind® certification trainer throughout the United States, Mexico, and Europe. She has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who as a prominent professional in her fields of expertise.

Françoise Netter is a Leading  Innovator

Françoise has been a leading innovator in the fields of Yoga, Stress Management, Body/Mind Fitness, Dance and Movement Therapy, for over thirty years.  She has worked with children and adults ranging in age from five to ninety-five in such diverse environments as private corporations, universities, colleges, primary and secondary schools, hospitals, jails, health clubs, conferences, celebrity tennis tournaments, retreat centers, and in private sessions.

Françoise Netter Has Broad Teaching Experience

In addition to having taught at Stanford University, Santa Clara University, JFK University, Antioch College, University of Phoenix, and Front Range College, she has given master classes at University of Colorado Boulder and Naropa University and has trained teachers, therapists, and medical professionals in her field of expertise. She currently conducts workshops, Movement For The Mind® certification trainings and graduate credit courses for Educators and Administrators through UMass Global. Her passion is to motivate others and use education as a resource for creativity, inspiration and transformation.

Françoise Netter Has Been Featured on TV, Radio, and Other Media

Françoise is an author and a magazine columnist. Her work has been featured on television, radio, on several CDs and in magazine and newspaper articles including The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, The San Jose Mercury News, The Boulder Daily Camera, and Health Club Magazine. Her book, Movement For The Mind: Dance That Awakens Inspiration, Wisdom And Healing, offers individuals of all walks of life an opportunity to integrate their creativity physically, mentally and spiritually and apply it practically both professionally and personally.

Françoise Netter Teaches Through Body/Mind Dynamics

Through her company, Body/Mind Dynamics Inc., she teaches her philosophy of movement and body/mind approach as a path towards mental health, physical well-being, emotional growth, and spiritual integration. Her expertise allows each participant to contact his/her own inner state of creative awareness, choice and purpose. Whether it is teaching stressed out corporate executives and over-worked educators how to manage stress and create a fit body and mind, or it is teaching Stanford University students and educators how to access their creativity and apply it practically in their work and life, or it is facilitating an individual through an emotional or physical wound from the past, Françoise uses her gift of insight and intuition coupled with compassion and humor to dynamically guide individuals to the best part of themselves.

Read What People Say About Françoise Netter

Here is what clients and others have to say:

“As president of a Silicon Valley high tech company, my job affords me little time to unwind. After working with Françoise, I am able to effectively decrease the level of stress by bringing my mind and body into a state of total relaxation. Consequently, my sessions with her have positively influenced my work performance and capacity to better focus on the day to day challenges.” — Vikrama Verma, President, Savi Technology, Inc.

“I have been suffering from severe debilitating back pain for years and after one session of practicing the Complete Breath, I felt great and my pain was gone. As I continue to practice the deep breathing exercise, I am able to manage and control my pain. Thank you!” — B. Scott, Teacher

“Your process of movement gave me my life.” — Betty, Psychologist

“I loved your energy, enthusiasm, humor and holistic perspective!” — Pete, Tax Accountant

“Your sessions with our students are always followed by rave reviews. I can’t imagine our course without at least one session taught by you.” — Michael Ray, professor, Stanford University Graduate School of Business

“I recently completed the ‘Redress Your Stress’ journey.  It was a wonderful educational experience.  The program is certainly one that I will be able to integrate into my classroom. By using the program to change negative physical and mental states, I will be able to help them return to a healing place that they will learn from the breathing and guided meditation activities on your CD … They will be able to gain confidence and focus in their lives and in the classroom. It will also help my classroom management and I will be able to build relationships in a positive classroom environment, thus increasing classroom performance. Thank You Francoise!” — Kyle Mihelish,  Middle School Teacher

“Thank you for such an insightful, entertaining and refreshing class last Thursday evening!  I loved it! It’s sure to be in the forefront of my mind when I am planning for the beginning of the year.” — Teresa Bauer, High School Teacher

“One of the articles I read was titled, The Master Key To Soaring Joy by Francoise Netter. I think this article really made me stop and think about where I receive joy and happiness in my life. I realized that I can not rely on external items to control my inner happiness. I believe a big part of the wellness factor is having the ability to bounce back when things get difficult. As stated in the article The Master Key To Soaring Joy, ‘Resilience is the key to not only achieving these goals, but also to sustaining them.’ ” — J. Gregg


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