Isn’t it interesting to look at words and the meanings we ascribe to them? With the Spring Equinox officially behind us, what is “springing” or ”marching” forward in your life? What would you like to be forward moving in your life? It is interesting that our Western Christian New Year starts in the middle of winter. It’s like, we get all revved up for the new to manifest just in time to go back into hibernation.

Summer and fall were always my favorite seasons growing up and into adulthood. Then when I moved to Colorado, twelve years ago, winter and spring became my favorites. Winter for the quiet, stark beauty of snow covered peaks and spring for the exquisite transformation of growth, blossoms and color. Now as the temperatures have unseasonably soared, I sit perched like a Robin Red Breast for spring. Why?

Certainly the fragrances and delicate purple petals and beauty of Lilac Bushes are one big reason, but this year especially, I feel hungry for movement forward in my life. I am craving a new environment to work, live and play in. One that includes sea breezes, long stretches of white sandy beaches I can walk or bike along and the smell of the salty sea water. Most significantly I crave the freedom and endless quality of the sea. When I first moved to Colorado, I needed mountains and red rocks and a sturdy pristine beauty that the Rockies exemplified. But things have changed. A part of me wishes that I could just stay in one place all of my life and not have these soul callings. More than ever it seems we must trust the urgings of our souls and have faith that at the appropriate time we will be able to create and take the necessary steps for their realization.

The ability to take right action and at other times hone patience is such a delicate balance. When I was growing up, the model for success and productivity was the male model of forcing or making things happen. Today it feels like the recipe for change and success is a delicate balance between intention, action and the act of allowing. The approach of forcing or making things happen more and more seems contrived and like an uphill battle. So the question becomes how do we create what we desire and still keep our focus on the present in a positive life-affirming way while making room for the new. So often the only way I knew how to enact change was to be so miserable with my present that the only way up was out. Drama often accompanied big changes. Sound familiar?

As spring expands into fullness with flowers and budding trees, I invite you to join me on the journey of planting new seeds, nurturing their growth with patience, intention and forward moving thoughts and actions. Let me know what is marching forward in your life and what you have discovered in this process.

Blessings on the Path,

One Response

  1. Reading this brings new light to what I want to embark on in the future. Enlightening myself to truly “smell the coffee” as a treat instead of it being something to get me motivated to get to school. A balance check on what I’ve accomplished and what I have yet to do is my way of showing resilance in my life.


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