It’s days before Christmas and “all through the night” there’s much talk about the “end of the world” and the end of the Mayan calendar and more so an awareness (in Boulder and many other parts of the world) about the shift in consciousness available to each of us at this time. Many of my classes teach this shifting of awareness from inside out and prompt you to personalize this state of awakening and then apply it to the educational and professional environment. As we tune in to the positive, we also are aware of the negative and the fears that are still so prevalent in our society. However, change is in the air and you are each a part of it. So, as you get ready for the holiday season and the New Year, contemplate your intentions and dreams for 2013 both personally and for the good of those around you and seize each moment by making it better than the last.

For me personally and for many of my clients, the past two years have been challenging and intense. These times I believe are summoning each one of us into courage. We are being asked to not only face our fears and the shadow parts of ourselves, but to also release the limitations that they symbolize so that we can free ourselves into the creative and joyous beings that we are. Each of our journeys and challenges are personal and idiosyncratic. For some it is the facing of the fear of intimacy, for others it is facing disease or the loss of a loved one. For others it is financial distress or the manner in which we deal with stressors and emotional hardships. Whatever it is that is your challenge, look at how you can face it differently and in that awareness believe that transforming it is not only possible, but is your reality. We have been so used to avoiding or medicating our problems or indulging our problems by blaming others that we have forgotten that everything that appears external to us is manageable first by looking within. As we attend to our thoughts, emotions and beliefs everything in our external world can and must transform.

So in these days before 2013, make time to contemplate what you’d like to see happen for yourself and the world and then gently merge deeply within to that place of peace, joy and love and watch as your life begins to magically transform.

Happy New Year!


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