Yoga Programs

Learn About Yoga

Francoise Netter performing yogaYoga, most frequently translated as “Union” is an ancient practice and philosophy that is five thousand years old. It is thought to have originated in India from an oral tradition in which teachings were transmitted from teacher to student. There are several branches of Yoga, each suited for a different approach to life. All the paths of Yoga lead ultimately to the same destination-to union with God or the Absolute and many of them overlap.

Yoga in the twenty-first century has been swept into mainstream Western Life. It is as popular as Aerobics and even prescribed by proponents of Western Medicine. But this was not always the case, especially when I was teaching Yoga twenty-five years ago. So then why do Yoga today, other then for the reason that’s it’s popular?

Hatha Yoga (the Yoga associated with asanas or physical poses) is an excellent non-impact form of exercise that rejuvenates and energizes as well as relaxes the body and the mind. It is an excellent partner to other sports and forms of exercises and I believe, absolutely essential for most individuals over the age of forty.  It influences not only the muscular-skeletal system, but also every other system of the body.

Meditation, concentration, and pranayama ( breathing exercises) are Yoga practices that purify and strengthen both the body and the mind. They are essential in helping to manage and reduce stress in today’s fast paced life.

Discover Which Yoga is Right for You

Because Yoga is so popular how do you distinguish one class or program from another and choose one that is right for you?

We, at Body/Mind Dynamics, believe that a personal approach along with expertise and experience distinguish mediocrity from excellence and are directly proportionate to the value and benefit you can derive from any program.

After many years we have fine-tuned our program to offer the following products and services:

  • Weekly classes geared for both new and continuing students blending techniques from Vinayasa, Ashtanga and Iyengar
  • One-on-One Yoga Training and Coaching
  • 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program
  • Yoga Therapy and Injury Rehabilitation (covered by some Insurance Companies)
  • Yoga For Educators Workshop
  • Yoga For Educators DVD
  • Redress Your Stress Workshop
  • Redress Your Stress CD
  • Feline Yoga!

Register for a Yoga Class

To register for a beginning or advanced yoga class, workshop or Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program in Colorado or California or to schedule one in your location:

Call 303.960.6000 for class times and private sessions.

Visit the Products page to order or get information about our CDs.

“This has been a very enlightening class. I have really enjoyed it and I am practicing the things we read about and went over in the class. I can see what stress is and isn’t. There were times I thought I was going crazy. I now have a better understanding about stress and how it affects the body and the mind. In addition, I am now utilizing the breathing method taught in class and I have found it to be a priceless gift. I am so pleased that I took this class. Thank you.” – D. Bodkin


Now offering 2025 Meditation, Yoga, Movement for the Mind® and sessions in Activating Joy, Releasing Trauma™. Register or learn more.