
Movement for the Mind®: Dance That Awakens Healing, Inspiration And Wisdom

An exciting new book, Movement For The Mind®: Dance That Awakens Healing, Inspiration And Wisdom is now available in both hard copy as a paperback and as an eBook for download. It describes a unique way to integrate creativity that begins in the body and translates to your life. It also explores the dynamic aspects of healing, wholeness and inspirational wisdom.

The thousands of people who have participated in Movement For The Mind® have reported a wide variety of benefits.

“After reading Movement For The Mind® and working with the principles, I learned that this work is a very valuable tool for many reasons. Children who are shy suddenly are not shy anymore. They feel secure enough to trust their own bodies and respond to the feelings that movement evokes. Additionally, those boys that think its silly to move and connect did so in a very positive manner. Overall, this journey has made it possible to trust myself more, connect to something deep inside and gave me a sense of freedom and purpose in my classroom. I hope it helps my students and hope to only grow more from this wonderful experience.” – Angela Blakeslee

Watch part of a YouTube video on Moving the Body, Connecting the Soul presented at INATS (International New Age Trade Show). Listen to Suzanne Toro’s radio show interview about the book and Movement For The Mind and how it will improve your life. Or listen to Bob Charles’ radio interview with Francoise about the value of Movement For The Mind. You can also listen to Dave Barnett’s radio interview about the book. After listening, let me know your thoughts.

The Book Benefits Many Areas of Your Life

Movement for the Mind book coverSome of these benefits are:

  • The rewards that come with physical exercise are generated, such as the release of endorphins and the increase of the body’s ability to utilize oxygen. A sense of wellness, relaxation, and exuberance accompanies the session.
  • Creativity is enhanced. The mind relaxes while the body leads energetically. This can activate insights and realizations that surface freely, bypassing our habitual mental censorship. It can also lead to inspiration in other subjects, art forms and to problem solving.
  • Emotions and feelings, including those long forgotten or repressed, can be easily expressed and released.
  • Stress is relieved through breathing exercises and other techniques that increase one’s control over internal reactions and thus ease the effects of stress.
  • Both physical and emotional healing becomes a process of empowerment. Joy and a sense of connection in the body replace the traumas of physical and emotional pain.
  • People experience significant psychological breakthroughs and make corresponding positive changes in their daily lives

How Do The Book’s Benefits Occur?

These benefits occur through a twofold process. The first part embraces the power of dance itself. The second part addresses the capacity to integrate the power of the mind with the body’s intelligence, and speaks to the inherent connection between mind and body.

“Personally, I feel that I have a whole paradigm shift concerning dance and mind due to this book. Movement For The Mind® has left me excited to try out and utilize these new techniques to deal with old issues, to become less stressed and more energetic and to ultimately become more healthy in body and mind … this book has made me realize that I can create my own choreography and dance to the beat of my own drum and in the process, connect with my mind and open to a whole new way of thinking and living!” – Teresa Bauer

The information in this book offers a unique antidote to many of the problems facing us today. It integrates body with mind and creates a vehicle for learning, fun, creativity and revelation. It incorporates the principles of “The Secret,” “Shadow Work” and utilizes as a vehicle what we all share in common: our bodies and minds. It is akin to Yoga and to what the ancient Yogis instruct us about life: That the treasures that we all are looking for are always there, right in front of us or more precisely, within us.

“Hello Françoise! I just started reading your book and I wanted to write you and express gratitude for explaining why dance is so important-how profoundly healing it is! I was never a dancer until I was 42 and my 2 year old son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I went to sign up for yoga; to find some peace. I left having signed up for bellydance. I realized that bellydance was all about nurturing and healing the sacral chakra! Your book explains so well what I try to communicate to others…thank you! Blessings and best wishes to you as you bring people to the healing modality of dance!” — Gail Johnson

This Book Can Help People From Many Walks of Life

Whether you are an educator seeking to integrate right and left brain learning in your classroom, or a working professional seeking stress management, or someone who is ill and suffering from chronic pain, or someone who is seeking greater peace and clarity in your life emotionally and spiritually, or someone who just wants to expand your creativity — this book can offer you an expanded vision and experience. For those of you who have already experienced the aesthetic delight of movement, this book will teach you how to combine a sense of purpose and mental clarity with your movements allowing you to design dances that can teach, heal or simply exhilarate.

“THIS IS A MUST READ FOR EDUCATORS! As an educator, reading Movement For The Mind® is a breath of fresh air! It serves as a reminder that happiness comes through connection of mind and body and spirit – which can be expressed through simple movement, play and dance. It is easy in today’s busy society to loose connection with one’s inner creativity and joy. This book reminds you how to reconnect to your world and to find inner creativity and passion! It teaches educators the value of movement in the classroom to help youth find and express their own creativity and sense of individuality. What a great tool this technique of movement serves in an educational setting and as an outlet for anyone needing to re-establish balance and connection between the body and mind! Movement For The Mind® is a must read for educators of all ages!” – Molly Kinghorn

“After reading your book, ‘Movement for the Mind®,’ and practicing your CD the past few days, it is apparent to me that movement is vital in the success of life and public education. The physical benefits abound from enhancing balance and wellbeing, reducing stress because of the body’s release of endorphins, and expressing emotions. Spiritually, it stirs the soul and the self and allows for an inward awakening… Movement needs to be reintegrated into public education. It installs a creative energy and self-expression within our classroom that is so important to success. I think that when movement is reconnected to the education system, great things will happen.” — K. Hannahoe

In an age that is dominated by the intellect and technology, this technique of moving mindfully takes you deeper into your psyche and at the same time allows you to safely re-connect to your body. Connecting to the body while focusing the mind allows you to capture the moment and pause in a space that can align you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This experience of internal alignment causes profound insights, and can lead to significant physical and behavioral changes.

Because the technique is largely internally directed, the fear of being watched or compared to others is eliminated. This allows you to discover a personal freedom in your body that you may have reserved only for childhood. Each person’s experience is unique and yet universal themes such as feeling relaxed, energized, enthusiastic, alive, more aware, and connected are shared by individuals of all ages and from all walks of life. Read a sample of the book or see the photos from Françoise’s book release party. Also read a book excerpt published in BellaSpark magazine.

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Paperback Book



Movement For The Mind – Bundles

Take your experience to the next level, with our two bundles. To accompany the book, each bundle includes our popular audio CD: The Magic of Movement – Movement For The Mind®. The audio allows you to more fully experience the creativity of Movement Exploration. This self-help audio will facilitate exploration of the body in a creative and powerful way through guided imagery, which is described in chapter two of the book. See the complete details about the audio on our Products page.

Each bundle includes:

  • Movement for the Mind®: Dance That Awakens Healing, Inspiration And Wisdom
  • The audio CD: The Magic of Movement – Movement For The Mind®

Buy a bundle and save. The digital bundle saves you over 20% compared to buying the eBook and companion audio separately. The traditional bundle saves you over 12% compared to buying the paperback book and companion audio CD separately.

Choose from these two bundles:

  • Traditional Hardcopy Bundle, which includes a paperback book and a conventional audio CD.
  • Digital Bundle, which includes an eBook and digital audio – for immediate download.

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Click the Add to Cart button to order. Once ordered, the page automatically updates to display your shopping cart; scroll back down until you see the shopping cart, where you can edit quantities or checkout.

Traditional Hardcopy Bundle

Digital Bundle


Product Information

Here is more information to help you decide before ordering. See also our Product Order FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).

Paperback Book

Each copy of the paperback book is $21.99. (Shipping and handling is $5.95 for the first paperback book, and $2.95 for each additional paperback book. Free shipping on orders over $75.00. Please contact Body/Mind Dynamics for information about ordering large quantities.


The eBook is provided as a digital download. The book is an approximately 2 MB file in the popular Portable Document Format (PDF). PDFs can be read on most computers, as well as on most eBook readers such as iPads, Kindles, Nooks, and so on. The free Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view PDF files.

Each copy of the digital eBook is $10.99. (There are no additional shipping or handling charges on digital downloads.) Shortly after checkout and payment, you will receive an e-mail with a unique link to download your products. You can download your products anytime within 72 hours.

In addition to our PDF edition, the eBook is also available for purchase on Smashwords in native formats for Kindles, iPads, and other devices. Have a NOOK eReader? The NOOKbook edition is available for purchase at Barnes& However, the following digital bundles are only available here.

Traditional Hardcopy Bundle

In addition to the paperback book, you get a traditional audio CD.

Each copy of the traditional hardcopy bundle is $37.99. (Shipping and handling is $6.95 for the first bundle, and $3.95 for each additional bundle. Free shipping on orders over $75.00. Please contact Body/Mind Dynamics for information about ordering large quantities.

Digital Bundle

In addition to the digital download eBook, you get a digital download audio. Play digital download audios in popular MP3 players, on your computer, iPhone, iPod, etc. Digital download audios are provided as a number of MP3 audio files, plus an instructional PDF, in a 45-55 MB Zip file archive. Simply unzip and load the audio files onto your favorite devices for playback. You can also use programs like iTunes to make a CD copy for your personal use.

Each copy of the digital bundle is $20.99. (There are no additional shipping or handling charges on digital downloads.) Shortly after checkout and payment, you will receive an e-mail with a unique link to download your products. You can download your products anytime within 72 hours.

Other Products

Contact us about other useful products that we can provide you with. Other products include:

* Instructional or Motivational CDs
* Yoga Mats, Straps and other Yoga products also available

“I feel more energized after doing the Movement For The Mind dancing. The first time I did it in the group, I had been battling fatigue, but I felt more energy afterwards. Today, when I did the dance at my home, I was energetic to begin with, but it was an energy mixed with a low-level irritation and impatience. After the dance both times, I feel a wonderful combination of energized, yet calm mind, and very calm body. Taking the class, and doing the exercises with a verbal guidance, then reading about it was perfect for me as I could visualize and mentally re-create the whole process.

“The CD would be helpful for people who haven’t had the opportunity to physically take the class. There are several quotes and observations that I liked from the book and made notes of: ‘By taking the time to replace unconscious thoughts and actions with awareness, we can make better choices and even interrupt negative thought patterns before they lead to undesirable actions. Dance is not for show, but for sustenance. It is not for outer applause or approval, but for self-exploration and for expressing the calls of life.’ I am going to to tap into my own type of creativity and try new things in my work and be open to new ideas and continue to grow both professionally and personally.”— L.Baer

“Françoise Netter is an extraordinary teacher, mentor and creative being. I had the good fortune of working with Françoise in my graduate internship. During this time, I studied Françoise’s method of Movement for the Mind® through the book, the CD and her mentorship. Movement for the Mind® is a powerful tool that guided me to live more fully in my body. After each session of reading and practicing the method, I felt more grounded and open in my body and mind, as well as more connected to spirit. Exploring Movement for the Mind® with Françoise’s mentoring was powerful and transformative.” — Joslyn Swinger, Sonoma State University


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